Monday, November 3, 2008

There's Just Somethin' About The South

Seems that Miss Carol isn't the only "Southern WannaBe". This lovely couple were seen checkin' out plantations for sale in nearby Gatlinburg, TN. I sure hope they find one. Only thing is, Miss takes more than an occasional "y'all" and a few Mint Juleps to make you a true southerner. One thing ya gotta learn is southern spellin' and language. You becomes ya, sometimes two words become in woulda, coulda, shoulda, didya (as in didya have fun in TN) also one very important thing is most words don't ever end in g, as in shoppin', droppin', drinkin', dancin'. Rhett and I will be glad to give y'all lessons iffin ya think y'all would be intrested in learnin' southern speak. Y'all come back real soon now, ya hear?

Kit is "Fall Splendor colab" by CJS.

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Our Beautiful Redhead

A scrapbook page using a picture of my mom that my daddy carried in his wallet for years. The picture was taken in the 1960's so that...