Saturday, February 20, 2010

Denim and Lace

Yes, Rhett is all better now and we got to keep Ahston today (pages will follow). While he was here our son, Greg, brought Little Miss Fluff by to visit. She and Ashton love each other so much. He stood at the window, looking out, yelling "Gracie", like that would make her appear sooner. We had bought her a new denim dress, size 9 months...(she is 5 months old). Good thing I took lots of pics of her wearing it today..(I'm just sayin') LOL. I know it's only been 2 weeks, but oh my, how we have missed these little ones! What fun Big Papaw and I had today! How very blessed we are!!

I think the kit is "Laura's Pocket" by DebF.

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Our Beautiful Redhead

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